
Working Papers

  1. Bank Concentration and Heterogeneous Risk-taking Entrepreneurs”, 2025.
    • Brief Abstract: The effect on bank concentration on risks and allocative efficiency are both non-monotonic. Bank capital plays a role.
    • Previously entitled “Bank Capital, Bank Concentration, and Risk Taking”.
    • Awarded with Rising Star Award, Chinese Economist Society.
    • Presentations: LSE; CES Annual Meeting (NA and China); AMES; SWFA; EFG (Xiamen University); Nankai University; MMF; AEA (poster).
  2. Held-to-maturity Accounting and Bank Runs” (with Kaiji Chen and Shengxing Zhang), 2024.
    • Brief Abstract: Held-to-maturity accounting avoids current capital losses, but makes banks more volunrable to run risks if the interest rate further increases.
    • Presentations: CBCF Spring Forum; Macro Finance and Banking Workshop (SHUFE); CIRF; CICM; AMES; CICF; CFRC; Workshop on Money, Banking, Payments, and Finance (Federal Reserve Board of Governors); CES Annual Meeting (China); Fudan (Econ); Wharton Conference on Liquidity and Financial Fragility; Rutgers (Finance).
  3. Bank Expertise and Structural Transformation” (with Gang Zhang and Shengxing Zhang), 2024.
    • Brief Abstract: Economic structure across states with deregulated banking sectors became closer.
    • Presentations: CUFE (Finance); Midwest Macro; PKU (CCER); IFABS; EFG (XMU); WHU.
  4. Bank Concentration, Bank Capital, and Misallocation”, 2023.
    • Brief Abstract: Accumulating too much bank capital is NOT good in terms of allocative efficiency.
    • Presentations: Macro Finance Society Workshop (Bank of Greece); Macro PhD Workshop (University of Zurich); LSE; AMES; AFR (Zhejiang University); ESAM; EFG (Xiamen University); China Economics Annual Conference; AsianFA.
  5. In the Shadow of Rainbow: Is Sexual Orientation Wage Gap Disappearing in the United States?” (with Yuxiao Hu), 2023. Slides
    • Brief Abstract: Sexual orientation wage gap increases across the wage distribution.
    • Presentations: AEA; SEA; LSE Development Seminar.

Selected Work In Progress

  1. Search Frictions, Bank Market Power, and Business Cycles” (with Pengfei Wang and Shengxing Zhang).
  2. Bank Competition and Passthrough of Monetary Policy” (with Gang Zhang).

Paper Discussions

  1. Slides for “Payment System in a Theory a Banking” by Zehao Liu, Haiyang Tu and Chengsi Zhang.
  2. Slides for “FinTech, Banking and Monetary Policy Transmission Evidence from the Deposit Market” by Yueteng Zhu and Jiajun Lu.